Mission Trip 2011 (not pictured: Mike Malphrus) St. Clairsville, OH July 17-23, 2011
Our mission team has departed to Ohio for a week of ministering with Emmanuel Baptist Church in St. Clairsville, OH. During the week, they will be constructing a shower trailer, building steps for an elderly couple's home, assisting the church with their VBS and hosting a Back Yard Bible Club.
Specific Prayer Needs:
- Emmanuel Baptist's members will be ministered to and encouraged
- Emmanuel and our team will be able to reach out to the community
- Safe travel and protection for team members
- The Holy Spirit will have complete control and leadership
- Every stronghold against the gospel will be broken down
- Souls will be saved
Sunday night update:
The team experienced a flat tire.
So thankful for the young people of our church being able to be involved and helpful -- Ethan Busbee changed the tire ....
....while the others were very patient and kept their spirits up.
Don't they look very mission-trip-esque here? It looks like they are in a poor village on some foreign land or something.
Pray for the team this week!