Thursday, October 15, 2009

Takin' The Short Bus to Town

So we jumped on the bus and hit the road to the bowling alley.

What I like about the bowling alley ....

.... is the strange way people bowl.

No two bowlers have the same technique.
Will threw side-armed, below, and bowled great.
I thought he was horsing around.
He wasn't.
And B, well, I'm sure nobody bowls like B:
And it's kind of fun, too, to see how people act after they score.

But sometimes it's all just a bit too much for anyone.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

FBC Youth in Ministry

One great thing about our youth is that they usually are ready at the drop of a hat to help someone out. You have to ask them to help, mind you, they might not notice you requiring assistance, but when asked, they're there.
And a great thing about Billy and Doug leading our youth is that they are teaching our men to be men. To jump in and do the dirty jobs. To rescue a damsel in distress. To work.... hard.... even in the rain.
Even on a football-esque Sunday afternoon.
So when a single female in our church had been without water a few days, wasn't sure what was wrong, wasn't sure what to do.....

... our guys jumped right in. Replaced her pump in the rain at no labor cost to her.
That's what a church family is all about.
And, of course, the guys found a little time for a quick game of Ugg Ball

in which they used an old tire for a ball.

FBC Youth.... at your service.
In His service.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bonfire & Bible Study

It's the time of year when our youth group takes their Sunday Night Bible Studies on the road. Usually, they end up at Busbee's around a bonfire.
Last night was their second bonfire this season.
For the first hour, there were only two girls present.
They were outnumbered.
So B dug out the tractor and took Marj on an innocent little redneck hayride.

While the guys were enjoying a manly round of the Hokey Pokey.

The girls roared through their game, hair flying, screams bellowing.
Hokey Pokey interrupted.
Guys: "Oh no. We are not gonna stand idly by while they ruin our fun."

The Hokey Pokey Hayride became a game of redneck dodge ball.

Marj yelled "Retreat!" and B had the pedal down the whole way back to the shed.

And I'm sure once all that energy was expended, Billy could settle them down around the fire for Bible Study time.